Pregnancy & Nutrition

The pregnancy period is a time when, especially with your first child, you will have a lot of questions. About healthy eating, for example, about what is allowed and what is not, and about changes in your own body. Not only you as a (future) mother, but also fathers have questions and uncertainties. We are here for both of you.


Nutrition during pregnancy

When you are pregnant, it is even more important to eat fresh, healthy and varied foods than otherwise. The ‘Schijf van Vijf’ can help you with this. It also helps if you don’t gain too many pounds during pregnancy. With the free app ZwangerHap, developed by the Nutrition Center, you can simply and quickly look up whether you can eat a product. If not, the app shows you all the things you can still take.

What to drink during your pregnancy

Drink at least 1.5 to 2 liters every day, but do not drink more than 2 cups of coffee or caffeinated cola per day. Drinking alcohol during your pregnancy is not wise. This affects your baby’s development.

Grain products during pregnancy

Grain products are important for getting carbohydrates, protein, fiber, B vitamins, calcium and iron. Think bread, breakfast cereals, potatoes, legumes, rice, pasta and couscous.

Fruits and vegetables during pregnancy

Daily you need at least 2 ounces of vegetables and 2 pieces of fruit to get vitamin C, vitamin A, folic acid, fiber and potassium. They help improve your blood pressure.

They are relatively low in calories, help you maintain your weight and provide good bowel movements. Vary as much as possible between different fruits and vegetables.

Wash raw fruits and vegetables well. Pathogens such as toxoplasmosis are sometimes found in unwashed fruits and vegetables.

Dairy products and meat or meat substitutes, fish or egg when you are pregnant

You need these products for protein, fish fatty acids, iron, calcium and B vitamins.

Protein is needed as a building material (growth) and for tissue production in you and your baby.

Do not eat soft cheeses made from raw milk (“au lait cru”). Listeria bacteria can grow in raw milk. Infection with these bacteria can have harmful effects on the baby. Pasteurized milk or cheeses made from pasteurized milk can be used without risk.

Do not eat raw or rosé fried meat, such as filet Américain or roast beef. Also preferably don’t eat to much liver, but at most once a day a product containing liver. Liver contains a lot of vitamin A. Too much vitamin A has harmful effects on the baby.

Fat (unsaturated) and oil

Fat and oil provide essential nutrients such as vitamins A, D, E and essential fatty acids. These are fatty acids that your body cannot make itself. Fat provides energy and is an important fuel for your body. Unsaturated fat reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and is good for your cholesterol. Vitamin D is important for your bones and the proper functioning of cells in your body. Do not eat fatty snacks and avoid desserts high in sugar.

Attention! Eating for 2 is not necessary.

Losing weight or dieting during your pregnancy is not wise. When you are pregnant and you start losing weight, harmful waste products stored in your fat can reach the fetus through your bloodstream.

Fasting/Ramadan during pregnancy

If you are pregnant and want to fast, discuss this with your midwife. When you are pregnant, fasting is often not wise.

Eating vegetarian or vegan during pregnancy
Don’t eat meat or fish? If so, make sure you get enough B vitamins and iron. B vitamins are mainly found in whole grain products, potatoes, legumes, eggs and dairy products. Legumes and eggs are also important sources of iron, as are meat substitutes.